BC Egg Production

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In 2021, Canadians consumed an average of 253 eggs per person per year. In British Columbia, egg production is concentrated in Abbotsford and Chilliwack, with over 80% of the province's 155 egg farms located in these areas. 

Here are some other egg-related facts about British Columbia:

Imports and exports

British Columbia imports more eggs than it exports from other Canadian provinces and countries.

Egg prices

In 2023, British Columbia egg producers earned an average of $2.67 per dozen for their table eggs.


Egg types

In British Columbia, 10.2% of hens are in free run housing, 9.8% are free range, 10.9% are organic, while 34.9% are in enriched housing and 34.2% are in conventional housing.

Consumer demand

Consumer demand for cage-free eggs has increased, leading more farms to switch to this type of housing for their hens.

What comes first the Chicken or the Egg?

There are three classifications for raising chickens for eggs in BC:

Backyard Flock Producer

For farmers with up to 99 hens, no quota or registration is required. However, you should check your local bylaws as rules vary by municipality:


Small Lot Producer

For farmers with 100–399 hens, you can register through the Small Lot Program and do not need a quota.


Registered Producer

For farmers with more than 400 hens, you need to obtain a quota from the BC Egg Marketing Board

A registered producer with the BC Egg Marketing Board is a person who owns layers in the area and is registered under the British Columbia Egg Marketing Scheme. Registered producers can:

  1. Sell quota
    Participate in a Quota Exchange, which is held multiple times a year and allows registered producers to sell some of their quota.
  2. Sell their farm
    Participate in a Going Concern Sale, which can occur at any time of the year.
  3. Enter the New Producer Program
    This program is for BC residents who want to contribute to the egg sector but are not currently part of the regulated supply chain.



Here are some other things to consider when raising chickens for eggs in BC


Chickens should have a secure coop with an outdoor run that's well-ventilated, clean, and provides enough space for all the hens. The coop should also have perches, litter, and nest boxes. 


Provide mental stimulation and opportunities for natural behaviors, like scratching and foraging. 

Food safety

Follow the Start Clean – Stay Clean (SC-SC) program


which includes regular farm inspections and record keeping. Keep records of things like storage area temperatures, pest control, and water quality.


Grading Station Licence

CFIA Grading Station Requirements


Selling Ungraded Eggs

BC has strict rules and laws surrounding selling ungraded eggs.
Ungraded eggs come from Small Lot or Backyard Flock producers and are eggs that have not been cleaned and inspected by a CFIA certified grading station. In order to sell ungraded eggs, a farmer must follow all rules and regulations set out by the government.




Do you want to sell your eggs in a farmers market? 

  • Be produced on the farmer’s own farm.
  • Be clean without any visible cracks or leaks.
  • Kept at 4 degrees Celsius until they leave the producer’s possession.
  • Be packed in clean cartons that are marked as “Ungraded” in letters at least two centimetres high.
  • Be labelled with the name of the farm/producer and the packaging date.

Learn more in appendix III in the guidelines for the sale of eggs at farmers’ markets.

Temporary Food Market Guidelines

More consumer and producer info can be found at BCEgg

