BC Dairy Production

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BC Dairy Production British Columbia ranks first in Canada for the highest* provincial herd, milk quality and average milk production according to annual national summaries and milk quality statistics. Most B.C. dairy herds are located in the Lower Mainland, southeastern Vancouver Island, and the north Okanagan-Shuswap area.

For an overview of the BC Dairy industry:

get more info here

*refers to dairy cattle only

Milk consumption in British Columbia (BC) has been declining over time, along with the rest of Canada

Per capita consumption

In 2017, BC had the lowest milk consumption per capita in Canada at 64.68 liters. In 2022, Canada's per capita consumption was around 58.2 liters, a decrease of over 10 liters since 2015.


While demand for fluid milk has decreased, demand for cream, cheese, ice cream, and butter has increased. BC's dairy industry is the largest land-based agriculture industry in the province by farm cash receipts. The Lower Mainland produces 75% of the milk in BC.

Facts about BC's dairy industry

The Milk Industry Act and its regulations govern the production, storage, transportation, processing, and sale of milk.

All milk, except for raw milk used in some specialty cheeses, must be pasteurized.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency ensures that the food supply in Canada is safe.

BC has 28 provincially licensed processors, making it third in Canada for processor numbers.


On the Horizon

There is an emerging dairy goat milk industry in BC. In 2018 a number of goat farmers, mainly from the BC Interior and Fraser Valley proposed to create an association in support of dairy goat milk production.

Read the article here

It is unclear at this time if the start of an industry association will get started.Dairy goat farming is a common practice in British Columbia, Canada, with the province leading the country in milk quality, average milk production, and herd size.


Here are some things to know about dairy goat farming in BC:


The most popular milk breeds are the Sanaan and Alpine, while the Nubia goat can be used for both milk and meat.


Dairy goat herds are usually larger than other goat herds, but are still typically small in size.

Milk production

A high-producing goat can produce over two gallons of milk per day, but a home dairy goat will likely produce less than a gallon.


Goats are usually bred in the fall and kid in the spring, but some breeds can breed year-round. The gestation period is about 150 days.

Farm practices

Some farms sell their kids at about one week old to be raised on other farms for meat. Goats need protection from predators like coyotes and dogs, and some producers use Pyrenees dogs to keep them away.


Most dairy herds in BC are located in the Lower Mainland, southeastern Vancouver Island, and the north Okanagan-Shuswap area.


Some dairy farms, like Forrest Farm in Salmo, BC, make cheese from their goats and sheep. You can find more information from some of the goat dairy farms in BC and other parts of Canada here:






Goats Milk 


Goat milk is easier to digest than cow milk because it contains less lactose and has smaller fat globules. Goat milk's fat is also made up of more medium chain triglycerides, which are easier to convert into energy and less likely to be stored as fat.


Goat milk has more protein per serving than cow milk, and the protein is more easily digested. Goat milk proteins may also help manage allergies to cow's milk.


Goat milk is higher in calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, and phosphorous than cow milk.


Goat milk may help reduce cholesterol levels in people with high cholesterol.

Lactose intolerance

Goat milk contains less lactose than cow milk, so it may be a better option for people with mild lactose sensitivities. 
