Welcome to the website of the North Cariboo Agricultural Marketing Association, a non-profit society dba FARMED.

The North Cariboo Agricultural Marketing Association was established in 2006, recognizing the need for a regionally based agriculture co-operative marketing association. The North Cariboo Agricultural Marketing Association became more widely known by the acronym FARMED, as each letter represents a defining characteristic of the organization.

Farming • Agriculture • Rural • Marketing • Eco • Diversification


The goals of FARMED are to:

  • Promote local agricultural awareness in the North Cariboo;
  • Encourage farmers to produce and market new and innovative products;
  • Link consumers with North Cariboo farmers;
  • Promote North Cariboo products and experiences associated with rural living through tourism and other marketing opportunities;
  • Support the local agricultural sector through shared educational, marketing, mentorship and networking opportunities; and
  • Develop partnerships with other organizations and work closely with all levels of government.

FARMED is operating in accordance with the new BC Societies Act. The FARMED bylaws may be reviewed by clicking this link:


A Remuneration Policy applicable for FARMED members, was developed in 2024 and is available for viewing by clicking this link:

Remuneration Policy

To foster these goals, FARMED formed a sister organization called the Growing North Cariboo Society, which led to the establishment of the Partnering for Healthier Communities Committee of the North Cariboo (P4HC:NC) a stakeholder group co-chaired by representatives of Northern Health and the Cariboo Regional District.

Following the North Cariboo Community Opportunities Session held in Quesnel in 2016, FARMED was selected to take the lead on the establishment of an Agriculture Working Group to support the implementation of the identified priority actions, which include the formation of an Agricultural Development Advisory Committee and furthering progress on the Quesnel Agriculture Centre Feasibility Study.

Growing North Cariboo Society

The Growing North Cariboo Society (GNC) is bringing people together to discuss and identify barriers to health with a focus on food security. 

The focal points for GNC are:

  • Building capacity;
  • Benefits of having access to local food; and
  • Improving linkages between rural and urban settings

In 2014 GNC established the Partnering for Healthier Communities Committee of the North Cariboo co-chaired by a representative of the Cariboo Regional District and Northern Health, to support the goals of the Growing North Cariboo Society.

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Agriculture Working Group

The Agriculture Working Group, led by FARMED, was formed in 2017, and worked with the Cariboo Regional District to establish the Agricultural Development Advisory Committee of the North Cariboo on April 13, 2018. 

The Agriculture Working Group is now working with the City of Quesnel and various other stakeholders in the development of a business plan for the Quesnel Agriculture Centre.

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Partnering for Healthier Communities Committee

The P4HC:NC is a stakeholder group representing a wide range of groups, organizations and agencies from across the North Cariboo. Led by the Growing North Cariboo Society this organization focuses on collaboration and partnership creation with the intent to support food production initiatives and healthy sustainable community development in rural communities.

The P4HC:NC committee initiated the Empowering Family Health project, a program with multiple linked components focused on food production and preservation, including rural community input, workshops, and a food preservation equipment lending resource.

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Members of the North Cariboo Agricultural Marketing Association range from agriculture and agro-forestry producers, agri-tourism service providers, to agencies and organizations supporting the goals of FARMED.







North Cariboo Marketing and Awareness Project

In 2010 FARMED initiated the North Cariboo Agriculture Awareness and Marketing project providing a vehicle to aid regional agri-businesses. The project components include the development of the North Cariboo Farm Country “Grown for you” brand, highway billboard signage, North Cariboo Farm Products Guide and a kiosk in LeBourdais Park. FARMED also launched the Junior Farmer Program at the Quesnel Farmer’s Market in 2011 to encourage young people to farm and produce local food. FARMED has also been the lead proponent in organizing the following events:

  • The Root Cellar Tour in May 2013;
  • Agriculture Stakeholder Meetings in February and October of 2011;
  • The Ag & Hort Leap Conferences held in 2011, 2012 and 2014; and
  • Offering a wide range of workshops including Social Media, Geocaching, Website development, and Seed Collection & Storage.

Below are just some of the marketing projects we have completed.

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